Saturday, February 23, 2013

you reap what you sow

This last class  in the advanced group made me remember myself when I was still studying grammar points.
I started with a small review to please my tutor. I just made some questions about fronting and inversions and I gave the students who participated a lollipop; then, I started the presentation I had prepared to teach hedging where what marked my experience was the insistence of this student in asking something I was not really sure about.

I was explaining everything when I asked students to create some examples using hedging, and this particular student gave me a kind of weird example. At the beginning I felt a little unconfident, but then I came up with an explanation which made me doubt a little bit, so I stopped that part and kept on explaining; surpisingly, the same student came up again with a similar situation like to set me in Jake again. In that moment, I remember I liked to do the same and that sometimes teachers even told me " you know,  I don't think I have the right answer." but somehow I couldn't say that, so I replied him saying him that I thought that I was telling him was the right thing, yet implying that I was not really sure; obviously, that affected my grade, so I decided that next time I face a similar situation I will directly say I don't know the right answer. The rest of the class was just me explaining and the students asking and providing examples.

I don't see this as a bad experience because I learned a great lesson, and I didn't get a bad grade anyways. I think I was too nervous to recognize my error, but hopefully that won't happen again; moreover, I suggest you to take note of it before it happens to you. I hope you had been a good student. You know what they say "you reap what you sow."


  1. Wow Julito!! great lesson right! I think that the most of us will have this experience, specially in advanced level, because the students know a lot. But we learn Julito, now you know what to do next time. You are doing a great job.

  2. Hi Julito, that is something that we are going to face in every class. But congratulation because you came up with the answer, that means you manage the topic. And as Almita said, your were teaching advance level. They are eager to know about every detail in English. Congratulation brother you did a good job.

  3. Thank you people! I tried to do my best; hiwever I know I can do sonthing better

  4. Hello Julito!!!...
    After all the nervousness, you realized what you did was not the best choice, though.
    Of course we are the ones teaching, but that doesn't mean we know all.
    This is just one more experience for you and everybody to learn!!.

  5. Of course, maybe I did not manage my mervousness wel, bu I learned the lesson. Thank you Eli! I hope you cab get somethibg from the experience too.
