Saturday, February 16, 2013

My second time

It is definitely not the same experience when you do it for the second time. I felt more confident before my second practicum, especially because the teacher had already given me all the stuff I was supposed to use. The first time I had to prepare my own presentation  my own exercises, and my own explanation about the topic. This time I was given all the material I was supposed to cover and here I share how it went.
I started with a joyful greeting and since students had had grammar class before mine, I established a  small conversation about grammar in order to increase my score in the rapport criteria; then, I developed a Tic-Tac-Toe warm up which included words that were related to  Unit 3. I spent just like 5 minutes in the warm up because my tutor told me to be fast in warm ups and to put emphasis on speaking activities, so I  presented a quote to all my students and I asked for their analysis and comments; moreover I  also had them  working in groups of four and I assigned each group a quote from Alvin Toffler to be discussed for some minutes according to my tutor’s instructions; after some minutes, I asked one representative of each group to give a summary of what was discussed in the group.

Everything went very well because students participated and did what they were supposed to do; however, I forgot to write my students’ mistakes while they were presenting, so when I received feedback, the teacher told me I should always correct my students at the end when developing activities like such. Please never forget to correct your students, cheers! 


  1. It's true when you say it is not the same experience. I think the second time was easier for most of us because we learned from the mistakes we made during the first experience. In my second teaching experience I tried not make the same mistakes and to improve in the things that were not in the right way the first time. By the way thanks for your advise about correcting the students´ mistakes I will not forget it!

  2. You're welcome! That's the purpose Mayrita.
    And I think that the third time will be even better we. We just have to keep on working on our errir every time we teach.

  3. Hello! Julio
    I like the warm up activity that you did with your students, and also the way you engage your students to participate in speaking activities. I consider that it is really important to make students participate in oral activities so that students can put into practice what they are learning. And at the end of these kind of activities as you say we must remember to write and correct students' mistakes in order that they do not continue repeating the same mistakes. Thanks for sharing your experience and feedback. Blessings..
