Friday, March 15, 2013

“Looking over” some phrasal verbs

Our teaching practicum can also be seen as a mean to learn more or to reinforce the knowledge we already have. In this opportunity I had the chance to learn a lot when studying phrasal verbs for my practicum since I never studied that topic as such; however, it was not a hard task to investigate about separable and inseparable phrasal verbs. I prepared a presentation and practice and here’s how it came about.

I took up the lesson with a warm up called hot balloon, like hot potato, but in this case the student who stayed with the balloon when the music stopped would blow up the balloon and define target vocabulary that was written on a piece of paper inside the balloon. We all had fun playing and going over the vocabulary.

After that, I started to explain the difference of separable and inseparable phrasal verbs by using an interesting presentation I had prepared; moreover, we tried to come up with some examples by using a 3 pages list of phrasal verbs I had downloaded from the web, so I was really busy writing examples and solving students’ doubts for some time.

The last thing I developed was a crossword solving that my tutor had suggested me to use to have the students working on something they like; therefore, this was another successful class in which I learned not just teaching skills but also interesting phrasal verbs that I’m looking forward to using the rest of my career. ;)


  1. A quote says: "To teach means to learn twice" and it is totally true because by teaching you have the opportunity to learn more, or reinforce your knowledge as you said before.

    Let me congratulate you because you made really nice activities. I could see on the pictures that your students enjoyed all the activities, and that means that they learned a lot, and of course that you will be a good teacher.

  2. Thank you Isabel, that's a nice quote

  3. I agree with Isabel
    We as teachers to be will have to be aware that we don't know everything, and even if we learn something in the pass sometimes can be forgot for us.
    This is not just a teaching experience, but as a content learning as well.
    pretty hard topic I may say. I love the way you approach it.

    1. you are right Eli, we should be awarie of our condition, but we should not be intimidated by those topics because we already have the level to invistigate a topic and teach it

  4. Nice Julito!!!! as you know I´m a lover of those activities in which the Ss are involved to move their bodies, to run, to play, etc. I´m really convinced that the most you "do" the things, the most you will remember and internalize the knowledge...congrats!!!

  5. thanks Sarita, I also like TPR activities. I think they are very motivating and it's pretty cool when you make your Ss learn with them.

  6. Hello!! I taught the same topic, and as you said, one learn while teaching. When I was studying for the class, I realized I had forgotten some things; I remembered the info I had studied some years ago and also I learned new things.
    I really like the warm up activity you developed Julito, it was a very creative way for the students to learn. Congrats :)

  7. thank you Alma. It's good to know that I'm not the only one facing this.

  8. Good comment Julio! You say something very important related to the fact that teaching practice pushes us to investigate and to reinforce the knowledge we already have. So you see , it has to do with so many things like a positive attitude and implementing methodology ,of course.And TPR activities generate a motivating environment. Good job,Julio.

    1. Thank you Boteo, certainly our work is hard, but it is also fun, so we must enjoy it.

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