Friday, March 22, 2013

Being Observed & Recorded

This time, I did not get pictures of my class because I got a video of it. I thought I was going to get more nervous, but I fortunately did not. I started to prepare my students  for the topic by playing  the game "the golden letter" in which students, in groups of four people, made a competition about writing words on the board according to the letter considered golden, the golden letter would change every certain period of time. I did not erase the words  on the board because I had plans for them later on.    

My second activity was a short quiz that the book presented in order to answer the question: Are you a chocoholic? First, I asked the students to answer it and discuss it in groups of three; Then, I asked them as a group what the results were. I did my best to make them talk since only three of them were eager to participate.

Remember the words on the board? I used them to introduce the topic “countable and uncountable nouns”. I asked the students to help me eliminate the ones that were not nouns and they did it pretty well (at least the ones who participated); After that, I explained the difference between countable and uncountable nouns so that they could classify which of the words left were countable nouns and which were uncountable nouns. Moreover, I explained the use of  much and many and I ended up with some drills to reinforce my explanation.

I think I struggled more with the student’s attitude than with the fact that I was being recorded, but I did not get upset because that is something I can’t have total control of.


  1. You already recorded your class? Good one!!! Well, to start, let me tell you that your topic was interesting (the countable and uncountable nouns). Sometimes, it is hard to understand it, but when you teach how to use them, students get familiar with all the nouns. I know that feeling when only few people are eager to participate while the others are not, but you managed it very well. I congratulate you for doing your best with their attitude not only because you were recorded but also because that is the teacher's job. Good work!

    1. thank you Gustavo!!!!
      That is definetely our job, and it is interesting and challenging to do it

  2. I really like when teachers used didactic material they already used to explain another thing in the same class! I like it since I was studing basic English. I really like the way you teach, and I am sure they will participate more next time; you can mention their names for them to participate, if they have their names written on pieces of paper on their chests or desks use them. Great job Juliro!!

    1. that's a good idea Alma. I always try to memorize my Ss' names, but I will try your idea too

  3. I like the warm up activity you did. The activity was very interesting and useful because it was for the beginning of the class and later you used it for another activity.
    In every class you will find students who participate more than others but as Alma said in her comment you can use some strategies to make them participate.

    1. Thank you Alma and Connie I will work on that.

  4. Wow julito!!!
    I like the way you used the words from the warm up to introduce your topic.
    Indeed, it is more meaningful when students are the ones creating their knowledge than wen you give random examples. They were actively involved in the process which is a great idea of how are we suppossed to teach.
    Nice class. Shame students need to be pushed some more.

  5. for sure it is. I also like to present examples with the Ss' names and with their qualities when possible. That is more meaningful than isolated sentences.
    Thank you Eli!
