Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Finishing my countable experiences, but just adding to the uncountable learning

Finally, I got to the end of my teaching practicums. This last time, I had the opportunity to teach countable and uncountable nouns to my basic students. I started with a warm up that I call : “my mom went to the supermarket and bought…” Each students had to choose the name of a food or a drink and whenever they heard their names they had to say the sentence my mom went to… finishing with a different name of fruit or drink and so on. The idea was to arise students sense of alert and to practice the target vocabulary.

Then, I was coincidentally supposed to teach grammar points again ( I have done it several times so far ); moreover, I was supposed to develop an appendix from the handout, so I took out my charts this time because I had already taught grammar with Presentations and I wanted to vary my methodology, and I started explaining. I enjoyed giving that explanation as I always do; however, I made the mistake of asking my students to help me create examples right after my explanation, and my tutor told me that in basic you first give your own examples; then, you ask them to help you with more examples, and you give the practice at the end. 

I had my students develop appendix six which was about the use of how much and how many with uncountable and countable nouns, and that is how thanks to this subject, I could count my ninth teaching practicum that added more experience to this uncountable learning regarding teaching at university level.
Thanks for reading and commenting friends! Regards!


  1. Yeah Julio...we´re finally done!!!! When we have to explain the grammar, you feel the presure and you want everything to go in the way you want...buy sometimes things takes their own way, and we just follow the rhythm. Due to my personal experience asking ss to give examples, etc. I prefer to share my personal examples, or maybe they can help like orginizing ideas, sentences etc. but never to give their owns in first place, because most of them don´t want to talk, they are afraid of the rest of classmates, etc. Congrats my friend..and now you are free to have fun!!!!

  2. Hi my friend Julius, at last you finished and you did it good. I don´t know if you created or invented that warm up but it sounds nice, it must give good results. Also,the sense of alert the students had gave you ,as I can see, good results in managing the class.The variety of methodology was another fine detail because a class,according to my point of view does not depend exclusively on power point presentations. Again Julius, nice job and thanks for sharing with all of us your teaching experiences.

  3. Hello Don July!!
    Congratssss we are done with our first teaching practice, How cool is that!!!
    I like your warm-up activity and thanks for sharing your mistake, I'm gonna take it into account whenever I teach grammar in Basic groups :)
    And as You said we have gained uncountable knowledge with all these beautiful and sometimes not so beautiful experiences, but at the end Meaningful for our learning. There's definitely no doubt that it's better "learning by doing" because you have the chance to face real things, real problems and solve them; thus, you are able to develop many skills and improve as a whole.
    Best regards :D

  4. Julio,

    I have no doubt that you are a great teacher. I enjoyed reading about your teaching experiences in your blog and think that you did a great work this semester. I know you always try to be well prepared for your classes.

