Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Finishing my countable experiences, but just adding to the uncountable learning

Finally, I got to the end of my teaching practicums. This last time, I had the opportunity to teach countable and uncountable nouns to my basic students. I started with a warm up that I call : “my mom went to the supermarket and bought…” Each students had to choose the name of a food or a drink and whenever they heard their names they had to say the sentence my mom went to… finishing with a different name of fruit or drink and so on. The idea was to arise students sense of alert and to practice the target vocabulary.

Then, I was coincidentally supposed to teach grammar points again ( I have done it several times so far ); moreover, I was supposed to develop an appendix from the handout, so I took out my charts this time because I had already taught grammar with Presentations and I wanted to vary my methodology, and I started explaining. I enjoyed giving that explanation as I always do; however, I made the mistake of asking my students to help me create examples right after my explanation, and my tutor told me that in basic you first give your own examples; then, you ask them to help you with more examples, and you give the practice at the end. 

I had my students develop appendix six which was about the use of how much and how many with uncountable and countable nouns, and that is how thanks to this subject, I could count my ninth teaching practicum that added more experience to this uncountable learning regarding teaching at university level.
Thanks for reading and commenting friends! Regards!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

There is a new entry where there are many new experiences

I had the chance to develop the topic there is/there are this time. I tried to connect the warm up with the Unit 9 (The House) by making a game in which students were to identify, run, and grab the corresponding item of the house. It was a 2 groups competition that helped me to start with the practice I was supposed to develop. 

The following point in the agenda included some exercises from the handout and one from the book, all of these exercises were written, so I took a lot of time to explain, help, and check them. It’s incredible the time that basic students take to solve something that for us would take like five minutes.

Since my tutor asked me to develop an oral activity, I designed my own.  I asked them to get in pairs in order  to sit back to back; then, I gave one of each pair a picture, and the other one just a sheet of paper. I had the student who had the picture describe to his partner the images using the target grammar, and I noticed while I was monitoring that they did pretty well. There is a great experience when you achieve meaningful learning, I believe my students did. Here's the picture I used.